Ashdown Park Hosts Work Experience

This summer, we were thrilled to host several work-experience students across various departments, giving the next generation an invaluable insight into the hospitality industry. Providing young people with hands-on experience and the chance to learn from industry professionals helps them explore potential career paths and adapt to new environments ahead of their final year exams.

Barney has a passion for cooking and was eager to create dishes for people outside his family. He spent a week with our kitchen team, trying out different roles to find one that captured his interest. After two days of assisting our Lounge Kitchen team with prep work, lunch service, and honing his chopping skills, Barney moved into our Pastry Kitchen. Here, he worked alongside Kate and her team, who were busy preparing for a large upcoming conference. Barney got hands-on experience by helping Kate decorate delicate dishes and learning the art of patisserie. Barney's mother expressed her gratitude, saying, “I was so impressed by how much he was allowed to do! He learnt a lot and is now very determined to become a pastry chef!” We are delighted that Barney enjoyed his time with us and strengthened his interest in a catering career.

Ashton, from Tunbridge Wells Grammar, came to Ashdown Park unsure about his future career path, as is common for many 15-year-olds. We gave him the opportunity to explore different roles by spending time in several office-based departments. By working with both the accounts and marketing teams, Ashton gained insights into workplace skills like time management, communication, and organization. We hope that these experiences will be useful for any student and can be applied to their future career paths, whatever they may be.

If you are interested in discussing work experience opportunities, please get in touch. You can also check our careers page for information on apprenticeships or employee vacancies.